Legal compliance, risk management, and ethical principles are current practices since the Tabique Engenharia Foundation.
A company recognized as ethical is more valued by all partners, whether shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers and the community in which it operates. Tabique Engenharia intends to promote high ethical standards in all those with whom it works relate.
For Tabique Engenharia, the main objective of Compliance is to prevent and avoid violations of the norms and/or misconduct that has negative consequences for the company and for the society.
Compliance at Tabique Engenharia, and in accordance with the best international practices, complies with the following requirements:
Independence, through the creation of its own department;
Direct communication with the Directors Board;
Absence of any potential conflicts of interest;
Access to information necessary to carry out their responsibilities.
Compliance is, therefore, acting in accordance with the legislation in force, being in compliance with the laws and internal regulations of the company and the group. In other words, reconciling the actions, conduct and procedures with legal, ethical and regulatory requirements.
In our specific case, it means complying with national and international laws, acting in honest, transparent and sustainable manner, as well as compliance with the Tabique Engenharia Code of Conduct.
Compliance covers all areas of the company, from the financial area to the commercial and
contributes to the observance of good organizational practices.
A Local Compliance Officer has been appointed, a member of the Board Directors, responsible for develop, implement and monitor the Compliance Management System, assisted by by the internal legal department and in close cooperation with the Group.
Tabique Engenharia provides an internal and external channel for clarifying doubts or reporting cases.
Requests for information are forwarded to the Local Compliance Officer who, with the
support of the legal department, will treat with the required care and secrecy. is guaranteed the anonymity if requested.
Tabique Engenharia workers may, at any time, report any irregularity, to the External Ombudsman who can be contacted directly via a hotline free and confidential phone call available in all languages.
Tabique Engenharia is aware of the Compliance importance, since actions or omissions of a single person can be reflected in the company and in the Group. So it is essential to ensure everyone’s involvement in the Compliance culture. We consider that the Compliance is a cross-cutting issue, applicable to all company departments and is present in the serious, honest and transparent day-to-day work.
Grupo Tabique Engenharia encourages everyone to submit, as soon as possible, information about any issue or any suspected misbehavior. If not you are unsure whether a particular behavior violates the law or if you have any other matters, you should raise your concerns or concerns with the Legal Department.
To report an actual or potential violation you may anonymously contact the following entities:
- Compliance Oficcer, Dr. José Luis Menezes: